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Showing posts from January, 2018
This post shows you how to make  HMVC  structure on CodeIgniter using  Third Party . Please follow these steps. 1. Download the third party zip for making the  HMVC  from 2. Extract and then put the  MX  folder in  application/third_party  folder like below screenshot. 3. Download another zip from this link and Extract in  application/core   MY_Loader  and  MY_Router. 4. Next, you create  modules  folder on  application  directory where you can define your module like  user  and under  user  you have to create  controllers, view, models. 5. Next, you have to make a file under  controllers  where you have defined the class which extends from  MX_Controller . 6. But  Model  extends From  CI_Model  as usual. 7.  Rest of the configura...